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Biospecimen Prices

The following price list is provided for information and planning purposes.

Please be aware that, due to economic and geopolitical factors outside of our control, prices for shipment of biological samples from our designated biorepository at Sampled have recently increased and may fluctuate in the future. International laboratories, and those farther away from the US East Coast, may experience higher shipping costs at this time. Researchers may be able to avoid some of this extra cost by utilizing your own courier (UPS, FedEx, DHL, World Courier, Marken, Cryoport, and QuickStart) through your institution.

Transactions for the purchases of samples are handled directly by Sampled.

Information about how to request biospecimens is available here.

Cell Lines and Fibroblasts
Initiation of live culture (per cell line); shipping not included $62.37
Cryopreserved ampoule on dry ice (per box of 96 ampoules,
1.5 million cells per ampoule); shipping not included
DNA Distributions (Individual Aliquots)
DNA Aliquots 1-35 samples

• Each distribution will incur a shipping charge of $73.83.

• For over 35 samples, the 96-well plate distribution charge ($1,873.01) applies.

DNA Distributions (96-well plates)
First set of plates (price per plate) $1,873.01
Second set of identical plates (price per plate) $990.00
Third and subsequent sets of identical plates (price per plate) $825.00
Plasma Distributions
Box of 96 samples:

• Processing of request list to verify accuracy and availability of requested samples

• Retrieval of sample from -80 ºC storage

• Inventory, in boxes for shipping

• Preparation of hard copy and electronic data file for investigator, cross-referenced with study ID numbers

Per Sample Price for 1-32 samples: $54.80
For >32 samples up to 96, the price for the box of 96 samples applies.
Shipment (per package): $73.83

• FedEx dry ice shipment of package containing frozen plasma samples

• Prior notification of shipment to investigator

Note: Prices include shipping within the continental United States (unless otherwise noted). International shipping costs are not included.

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