
Genetic and environmental interactions leading to autism-like symptoms

Autism spectrum disorder is widely regarded as one of the most severe childhood psychiatric conditions. The root causes of this disorder have generally been viewed as either genetic or environmental. The interaction between genetic and environmental factors has not been investigated widely, however, despite the fact that synergistic effects have been found for other neurodevelopmental disorders such as depression.

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Quantitative analysis of effect of autism-related genes on behavioral regulation

As the number of genetic anomalies associated with autism continues to escalate, demand grows to understand the mechanisms through which these genes affect brain function and behavior. Mouse models engineered to express autism susceptibility genes are critical for achieving this goal, but their utility depends on behavioral assessment methods that have limited reliability, comprehensiveness, sensitivity and throughput.

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Underlying mechanisms in a cerebellum-dependent model of autism

Considerable evidence suggests that changes to brain activity in the cerebellum are involved in autism spectrum disorder. In addition, disruption of a molecular pathway that controls protein synthesis — the mTORC1 pathway — has been implicated in the disorder. In a mouse model in which the mTORC1 pathway has been selectively disrupted in cerebellar neurons called Purkinje cells (PCs), the mice show numerous behaviors that are consistent with symptoms of autism.

Genetic rescue of fragile X syndrome in mice by targeted deletion of PIKE

Fragile X syndrome is the most common heritable form of intellectual disability and a leading genetic cause of autism. The disorder results from loss of a key regulatory protein known as FMRP, but how the absence of this protein causes the cognitive impairments associated with fragile X syndrome is still unclear. Suzanne Zukin and her colleagues at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, as well as others, have identified hyperactivation of a key cellular signaling pathway — the PI3K-mTOR signaling pathway — as a key feature of the syndrome.

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Dynamics of cortical interactions in autism spectrum disorders

Normal behavior requires that brain regions interact with one another, and these interactions depend on the task; they change as attention shifts and as an action is planned and executed. Jonathan Victor and his colleagues at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York have developed a new technology to delineate these moment‐to‐moment changes in brain activity patterns so that they can be compared between typically developing children and those with autism.

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