Headshot of Investigator Melanie Woodin.

Melanie Woodin, Ph.D.

Professor, University of Toronto

SFARI Investigator Website

Funded Projects

SFARI Funded Publications

Autism-misregulated eIF4G microexons control synaptic translation and higher order cognitive functions. Gonatopoulos-Pournatzis T., Niibori R., Salter E.W., Weatheritt R.J., Tsang B., Farhangmehr S., Liang X., Braunschweig U., Roth J., Zhang S., Henderson T., Sharma E., Quesnel-Vallières M., Permanyer J., Maier S., Georgiou J., Irimia M., Sonenberg N., Forman-Kay J.D., Gingras A.C., Collingridge G.L., Woodin M., Cordes S.P., Blencowe B.
Research Highlight
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