Funded Projects
Decoding excitation-inhibition imbalance from neuroimaging data in autism
Awarded: 2022
Award Type: Human Cognitive and Behavioral Science Award
Award Type: Human Cognitive and Behavioral Science Award
Neurobiological basis of connectivity deficits in autism
Awarded: 2016
Award Type: Pilot
Award Type: Pilot
Functional connectivity in monogenic mouse models of autism
Awarded: 2014
Award Type: Explorer
Award Type: Explorer
SFARI Funded Publications
Sex-biasing influence of autism-associated Ube3a gene overdosage at connectomic, behavioral and transcriptomic levels.
Montani C., Pagani M., De Guzman E., Balasco L., Alvino F.G., de Felice A., Galbusera A., Nickl-Jockschat T.K., Lau P., Borsotti N., Mattioni L., Pasqualetti M., Provenzano G., Bozzi Y., Lombardo M., Gozzi A.
D-aspartate oxidase gene duplication induces social recognition memory deficit in mice and intellectual disabilities in humans.
Lombardo B., Pagani M., De Rosa A., Nunziato M., Migliarini S., Garofalo M., Terrile M., D'Argenio V., Galbusera A., Nuzzo T., Ranieri A., Vitale A., Leggiero E., Di Maio A., Barsotti N., Borello U., Napolitano F., Mandarino A., Carotenuto M., Heresco-Levy U.,, Pasqualetti M., Malatesta P., Gozzi A., Errico F., Salvatore F., Pastore L., Usiello A.
Abnormal whisker-dependent behaviors and altered cortico-hippocampal connectivity in Shank3b-/- mice.
Balasco L., Pagani M., Pangrazzi L., Chelini G., Ciancone Chama A.G., Shlosman E., Mattioni L., Galbusera A., Iurilli G., Provenzano G., Gozzi A., Bozzi Y.