Genetic variants in DDX53 contribute to autism spectrum disorder associated with the Xp22.11 locus.
Parental experiences and perspectives of healthcare providers’ genetic testing recommendations for their children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in the United States.
Chromosome X-wide common variant association study in autism spectrum disorder.
Prematurity and genetic liability for autism spectrum disorder.
Associations between parenting stress and quality time in families of youth with autism spectrum disorder.
SPARKing new insight into autism across the lifespan.
Polygenic scores clarify the relationship between mental health and gender diversity.
Vocational outcomes in ASD: An examination of work readiness skills as well as barriers and facilitators to employment identified by autistic adults.
Associations between social activities and depressive symptoms in adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorder: Testing the indirect effects of loneliness.
The Genotype and Phenotypes in Families (GPF) platform manages the large and complex data at SFARI.
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