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Headshot of Investigator Wei-Hsiang Huang.

Wei-Hsiang Huang, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, McGill University

SFARI Investigator Website

Wei-Hsiang Huang is an assistant professor of neurology and neurosurgery at McGill University. He received a Ph.D. in developmental biology from Baylor College of Medicine under the guidance of Huda Zoghbi and pursued his postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford University with Liqun Luo.

Research in the Huang laboratory focuses on understanding the molecular, synaptic, circuit and behavioral mechanisms of neurodevelopmental conditions, with a focus on cases of autism spectrum disorder associated with gene dosage imbalance. Huang’s laboratory applies a wide spectrum of approaches including CRISPR, human iPSC models, mouse genetics, electrophysiology, single-cell technology and whole-brain clearing and imaging. The ultimate goal of Huang’s research program is to identify therapeutic targets to improve the quality of life for individuals with autism, epilepsy and other neurodevelopmental conditions.

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