Funded Projects
SFARI Funded Publications
Tunable, self-contained gene dosage control via proteolytic cleavage of CRISPR-Cas systems.
Katz N., An C., Lee Y.-J., Tycko J., Zheng M., Kang J., Bintu L., Bassik M.C., Huang W., Gao X.J.
Early adolescent Rai1 reactivation reverses transcriptional and social interaction deficits in a mouse model of Smith-Magenis syndrome.
Huang W., Wang D.C., Allen W.E., Klope M., Hu H., Shamloo M., Luo L.
Molecular and neural functions of RAI1, the causal gene for Smith-Magenis syndrome.
Huang W., Guenthner C.J., Xu J., Nguyen T., Schwarz L.A., Wilkinson A.W., Gozani O., Chang H.Y., Shamloo M., Luo L.