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Headshot of SFARI Investigator Sven Sandin.

Sven Sandin, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

SFARI Investigator Website

Sven Sandin is a statistician and epidemiologist with more than 30 years of experience. He started his career in the pharmaceutical industry, where he gained broad experience in the design and analysis of clinical and preclinical trials. After 15 years, Sandin moved to Karolinska Institutet, Sweden’s premier university for medical research. At Karolinska, he worked as an applied statistician, conducting population-based studies using Swedish national registers. Sandin participated in research studies on pregnancy-related outcomes, cancer, autoimmune diseases and occupational and family exposure risk mapping using these registries.

During his time at Karolinska, Sandin developed an interest in psychiatric research and applications using the unique Swedish multi-generational registry and had the opportunity to work with leading researchers in the field from Europe and the United States. He completed his Ph.D. in psychiatric epidemiology in 2014 and joined the faculty at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai shortly thereafter.

Sandin is currently the principal investigator (PI) of a National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded project examining autism risk in families with rheumatoid arthritis, the Swedish co-PI for a European Union-funded project combining existing cohorts of children born prematurely, the PI for three NIH-funded projects investigating the etiology of autism, the Swedish site PI for two Swedish genetic case-control samples for individuals diagnosed with autism and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and the PI for a longitudinal cohort of 50,000 women in Sweden that is part of a National Cancer Institute cohort consortium.

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