Director, Fetal-Neonatal Neuroimaging and Developmental Science Center, Boston Children’s Hospital
WebsiteFunded Projects
SFARI Funded Publications
Altered structural brain connectivity involving the dorsal and ventral language pathways in 16p11.2 deletion syndrome.
Ahtam B., Link N., Hoff E., Grant E., Im K.
Defining the effect of the 16p11.2 duplication on cognition, behavior, and medical comorbidities.
D'Angelo D., Lebon S., Chen Q., Martin-Brevet S., Green Snyder L., Hippolyte L., Hanson E., Maillard A.M., Faucett W.A., Macé A., Pain A., Bernier R., Chawner S.J., David A., Andrieux J., Aylward E., Baujat G., Caldeira I., Conus P., Ferrari C., Forzano F., Gérard M., Goin-Kochel R., Grant E., Hunter J., Isidor B., Jacquette A., Jonch A.E., Keren B., Lacombe D., Le Caignec C., Martin C.L., Männik K., Metspalu A., Mignot C., Mukherjee P., Owen M.J., Passeggeri M., Rooryck-Thambo C., Rosenfeld J.A., Spence S., Steinman K.J., Tjernagel J., Van Haelst M., Shen Y., Draganski B., Sherr E., Ledbetter D., van den Bree M.B., Beckmann J.S., Spiro J., Reymond A., Jacquemont S., Chung W., Cardiff University Experiences of Children With Copy Number Variants (ECHO) Study, the 16p11, 2 European Consortium, and the Simons Variation in Individuals Project (VIP) Consortium.
A 600 kb deletion syndrome at 16p11.2 leads to energy imbalance and neuropsychiatric disorders.
Zufferey F., Sherr E., Beckmann N.D., Hanson E., Maillard A.M., Hippolyte L., Macé A., Ferrari C., Kutalik Z., Andrieux J., Aylward E., Barker M., Bernier R., Bouquillon S., Conus P., Delobel B., Faucett A., Goin-Kochel R., Grant E., Harewood L., Hunter J., Lebon S., Ledbetter D., Martin C. L., Mannik K., Martinet D., Mukherjee P., Ramocki M.B., Spence S., Steinman K., Tjernagel J., Spiro J., Reymond A., Beckmann J.S., Chung W., Jacquemont S., Simons VIP Consortium, 16p11.2 European Consortium.