Headshot of SFARI Investigator Jeffrey Munson.

Jeffrey Munson, Ph.D.

Research Associate Professor, University of Washington

SFARI Investigator Website

Funded Projects

SFARI Funded Publications

Disruption at the PTCHD1 Locus on Xp22.11 in Autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability. Noor A., Whibley A., Marshall C.R., Gianakopoulos P.J., Piton A., Carson A.R., Orlic-Milacic M., Lionel A.C., Sato D., Pinto D., Drmic I., Noakes C., Senman L., Zhang X., Mo R., Gauthier J., Crosbie J., Pagnamenta A.T., Munson J., Estes A.M., Fiebig A., Franke A., Schreiber S., Stewart A.F.R., Roberts R., McPherson R., Guter S.J., Cook E. H., Dawson G., Schellenberg G.D., Battaglia A., Maestrini E., Jeng L., Hutchison T., Rajcan-Separovic E., Chudley A.E., Lewis S.M.E., Liu X., Holden J.J., Fernandez B., Zwaigenbaum L., Bryson S.E., Roberts W., Szatmari P., Gallagher L., Stratton M.R., Gecz J., Brady A.F., Schwartz C.E., Schachar R.J., Monaco A., Rouleau G., Hui C-C., Lucy Raymond F., Scherer S. W., Vincent J.B.
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