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Headshot of SFARI Bridge to Independence Fellow Hun Goo Lee.

Hungoo Lee, Ph.D.

Research Associate, Massachusetts General Hospital

SFARI Bridge to Independence Fellow

Hungoo Lee is a research associate in Jeannie Lee’s laboratory at Mass General Hospital / Harvard Medical School. He has been studying molecular mechanisms of epigenetic abnormalities by the expanded long tandem repeats in Fragile X syndrome. He earned his Ph.D. in epigenetics and molecular biology in the laboratory of Vincenzo Pirrotta, where his dissertation work focused on the genome-wide epigenetic regulatory roles of Polycomb group proteins and Trithorax group proteins especially at the intergenic regions.

Before his Ph.D., Lee worked as a computational biologist at Dong-a Seetech IT company and studied a condition-specific transcriptional regulatory network. Based on his experiences in epigenetics, genomics, computational biology, and stem cell / neurobiology, he will study FXS and other autism spectrum disorders (ASD) from more systematic and unique perspectives. He plans to tackle FXS and other ASDs by understanding why FXS and other ASD patients show more tandem repeat instability by identifying the causal risk factors for the genome instability by combining the resources from the Simons Simplex Collection (SSC) and diverse genome-wide data sets.

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