Funded Projects
SFARI Funded Publications
GABAB receptor modulation of visual sensory processing in adults with and without autism spectrum disorder.
Huang Q., Pereira A.C., Velthuis H., Wong N.M.L., Ellis C.L., Ponteduro F.M., Dimitrov M., Kowalewski L., Lythgoe D.J., Rotaru D., Edden R.A.E., Leonard A., Ivin G., Ahmad J., Pretzsch C.M., Daly E., Murphy D., McAlonan G.
Preterm birth alters the development of cortical microstructure and morphology at term-equivalent age.
Dimitrova R., Pietsch M., Ciarrusta J., Fitzgibbon S.P., Williams L.Z.J., Christiaens D., Cordero-Grande L., Batalle D., Makropoulos A., Schuh A., Price A.N., Hutter J., Teixeira R.P., Hughes E., Chew A., Falconer S., Carney O., Egloff A., Tournier J.-D., McAlonan G., Rutherford M.A., Counsell S.J., Robinson E.C., Hajnal J.V., Rueckert D., Edwards A.D., O’Muircheartaigh J.
T1-weighted/T2-weighted ratio mapping at 5 months captures individual differences in behavioral development and differentiates infants at familial risk for autism from controls.
Darki F., Nyström P., McAlonan G., Bölte S., Falck-Ytter T.