Headshot of SFARI Research Coordinator Ameena Suliman.

Ameena Suliman

Project Coordinator, SFARI


Ameena Suliman joined the Simons Foundation as a project coordinator in 2023. In this role, she coordinates communication between SFARI Base’s biorepository and the Simons Foundation and liaisons between SFARI Base project managers, the SFARI science team, the Simons Foundation informatics team, contractors, and external institutional officials/researchers. A large part of her day is spent triaging tickets in ticketing system (Zendesk) from individuals inquiring about SFARI resources, assigning to others as appropriate or responding to completion.

Before working for the Simons Foundation, Suliman worked as a clinical research coordinator and research associate in her hometown, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Her interest in clinical research is what brought her across the country to the Simons Foundation.

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