In conjunction with the Nancy Lurie Marks Family Foundation, SFARI is releasing 30 new induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines for use in autism research.
In conjunction with the Nancy Lurie Marks Family Foundation, SFARI is releasing 30 new induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines for use in autism research.
The ASD-relevance of genes in the SFARI Gene database will be assessed according to a new scoring system called EAGLE (Evaluation of Autism Gene Link Evidence). This metric adds to SFARI Gene’s four ASD-confidence categories to provide an additional tool for assessing a gene’s specific association to ASD rather than neurodevelopmental conditions at large.
Autism BrainNet is working to digitize the Autism Celloidin Library, a unique collection of 28 celloidin-embedded, Nissl-stained brains from donors with and without autism spectrum disorder. The collection provides a unique resource for histological studies aimed at quantifying and characterizing changes in cell distribution, size and regional structure. Digitized images will be available to interested researchers upon request.
Three SFARI Investigators (current and past) have recently received prestigious prizes in the natural sciences.
SFARI is pleased to announce that it intends to fund 17 grants in response to the 2021 Genomics of ASD: Pathways to Genetic Therapies request for applications.
A number of presentations will be given by SFARI Investigators at Neuroscience 2021 (November 8–11).
Three SFARI Investigators (current and past) are among this year’s 100 newly elected members of the National Academy of Medicine.
SFARI is pleased to announce that it intends to award 11 grants in response to the 2021 Human Cognitive and Behavioral Science request for applications.