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New approaches to treating Rett syndrome
Gail Mandel, Ph.D.Senior Scientist, Vollum Institute, Oregon Health & Science University
On 23 April 2014, Gail Mandel presented the complex pathology of Rett syndrome.
An attempt at redefining autism
Ami Klin, Ph.D.Chief of Autism and Related Disorders, Marcus Autism Center, Emory University
On 26 March 2014, Ami Klin presented two new infant and toddler behavioral measures of social behaviors.
Imaging early brain development in autism
David Amaral, Ph.D.Director of Research, The MIND Institute, University of California, Davis
Scientific Director, Autism BrainNet
Scientific Director, Autism BrainNet
On 26 February 2014, David Amaral discussed different types of altered brain development among children with autism.
Infants’ grasp of others’ intentions
Amanda Woodward, Ph.D.William S. Gray Professor of Psychology and Dean of the Division of Social Sciences, University of Chicago
On 6 November 2013, Amanda Woodward discussed the nature and origins of children’s social understanding.
Evolving perspectives on autism
Catherine Lord, Ph.D.George Tarjan Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Education, University of California, Los Angeles
Steven Hyman, M.D.Core Institute Member, Director of the Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
On 26 September 2013, Catherine Lord and Steven Hyman presented conceptual frameworks for autism and suggest avenues to advance the field.
Antibodies, behavior and cognition
Betty Diamond, M.D.Professor, The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research
On 30 May 2013, Betty Diamond discussed immune-system-mediated alterations in brain development.
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