2023 Cross-Species Studies of ASD RFA — Informational session

  • Speakers
  • Headshot of SFARI Senior Scientist Brigitta Gunderson.
    Brigitta Gundersen, Ph.D.

    Senior Scientist and Scientific Lead, Animal Models, SFARI

    Headshot of Paul Wang, SFARI Senior Clinical Research Scientist and Director of Clinical Research Associates.
    Paul Wang, M.D.

    Senior Scientific Director, SFARI Pharmaceutical and Biotech Relations

Date & Time



On January 23, 2023, SFARI hosted an informational session on the 2023 Cross-Species Studies of ASD request for applications (RFA).

About the Session

The 2023 Cross-Species Studies of ASD opens on April 5, 2023. “Grants awarded through this RFA are intended to support multi-disciplinary teams of PIs with expertise in both human and animal research to perform coordinated cross-species studies to advance our understanding of ASD-relevant behaviors and their underlying neurobiological mechanisms, with the potential for developing novel biomarkers or interventions.”

On January 23, 2023, SFARI senior scientist Brigitta Gundersen and Deputy Director of Clinical Research Associates Paul Wang hosted an information session about the 2023 Cross-Species Studies of ASD RFA for prospective applicants. The session included an overview of the RFA’s goals and an opportunity to ask questions about this funding opportunity.

In addition to reading the RFA announcement and viewing the informational session, interested applicants are encouraged to read “SFARI Scientific Perspectives,” a summary of SFARI’s views on a variety of topics relevant to our grantmaking efforts.

About the Speakers

Brigitta Gundersen joined the foundation in 2016 as a member of the team of scientists responsible for managing SFARI’s autism grant portfolio. In particular, she focuses on grants involving work in animal models employing behavioral, electrophysiological, and molecular approaches. She is also responsible for managing SFARI’s zebrafish resource and overseeing the SFARI Collaboration on Sex Differences in Autism.

Paul Wang joined Clinical Research Associates (CRA) and the Simons Foundation in 2016. He helps to oversee portions of SFARI’s clinical research portfolio, and CRA’s work with the experimental drug arbaclofen.

Questions? Email: [email protected]

Past Events

Headshot of Senior Scientist Julia Sommer.Headshot of SFARI Clinical Research Lead Jennifer Foss-Feig.

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Julia Sommer, Ph.D.Senior Scientist and Scientific Lead, IPSC Repository
Jennifer Foss-Feig, Ph.D.Senior Scientist, Scientific Lead Early Career Programs, Clinical Research Lead, SFARI Cohorts, SFARI

On December 11, 2024, SFARI held an informational session about the Conference Support for Rare Neurodevelopmental Disorder Communities Participating in Simons Searchlight.

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