Christoph Burgsted/ScienceSource
RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data from lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from probands and their unaffected siblings from the Simons Simplex Collection (SSC) are now available. The data were generated through a collaboration between SFARI Investigators Ivan Iossifov and Michael Wigler at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, the New York Genome Center and Sampled (formerly Infinity BiologiX and Rutgers University Cell and DNA Repository).
There are two datasets. The first (pilot) dataset consists of 201 samples from 48 SSC families. The second is a larger dataset consisting of 3,979 samples from 2,188 SSC families, including 1,791 affected-unaffected sibling pairs, 333 single affected children and 14 single unaffected children.
Approved researchers can request access to these datasets through SFARI Base. By accessing SFARI Base, researchers can also find more information on the methods used to generate the data.
A six-month publication embargo is in place from the date of this announcement.