Paul Wang has assumed the role of Senior Scientific Director, SFARI Pharmaceutical and Biotech Relations.
Paul Wang has assumed the role of Senior Scientific Director, SFARI Pharmaceutical and Biotech Relations.
The Simons Foundation’s Autism & Neuroscience division recognizes the need for diverse ideas and perspectives that contribute to the scientific enterprise. To advance that goal, the foundation’s Fellows-to-Faculty Award program supports talented early career scientists and their research vision as they transition into tenure-track or equivalent faculty positions. This award is a new iteration of the previously offered Simons Foundation Independence Award.
The Simons Foundation is pleased to announce the newest recipients of its Shenoy Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Neuroscience (SURFiN). The 75 talented undergraduates will gain hands-on research experience and contribute to neuroscience research.
The Simons Foundation is pleased to announce the latest recipients of its prestigious independence awards. The 13 talented early-career scientists will receive support as they transition from mentored training to independent research positions.
SFARI is pleased to announce the release of genetic data for 119 Autism BrainNet brain tissue samples, including whole genome and whole exome data.
SFARI is pleased to announce that it intends to fund 14 grants in response to the 2023 Summer Pilot Award request for applications.
The Simons Foundation is now accepting applications from undergraduate students to participate in its Shenoy Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Neuroscience (SURFiN) program for the 2024–2025 academic year. The program’s goal is to spark and sustain interest in neuroscience among undergraduate students whose backgrounds and experiences are underrepresented in science. The paid fellowships will run from September 2024 through May 2025.
SFARI is pleased to announce that it intends to fund three grants in response to the 2023 Human Cognitive and Behavioral Science request for applications.
New phenotypic data from Simons Searchlight participants were recently added to SFARI Base. This release includes data from individuals with 94 gene changes and 15 copy number variants known to be connected to autism.
SFARI is pleased to announce that it intends to fund three collaborative projects in response to the 2023 Cross-Species Studies of ASD request for applications.